Analyse Iching Reading 11 Changing to 34


34 Great Invigorating DA ZHUANG


Slap-up Invigorating Force. Drive the herds forward.
Advantageous to put your ideas to the Trial.

Develop the strength of your central thought. Don't just look at things. Step outside the rules and printing forward. Beware of procrastination, trusting the wrong people, oppressive authority. Actively pursue worthy goals.

The Paradigm
The old characters show a Bang-up Person, the left one-half of a tree meaning potent and potent and a weapon or phallus, fully adult force and free energy.

Circumvolve of Meanings
The strength of a dandy idea; strong, robust, vigorous and mature, a warrior with the power to impale and offer sacrifice; orient your will towards a self-imposed goal, focus, advance, drive on; fully adult male forcefulness and free energy. Inner perseverance now brings a liberating awareness of the whole. Centre Theme: 43 Decide and part from the past.

Spirit Helpers
Heaven drives on Thunder. Father and Eldest Son, the Creator and the Groundbreaker, create inner ideas that are expressed through rousing activity. Focus your strength through a central creative idea and push forward vigorously. Footstep outside the rules. Put your ideas to the trial. Beware of pain others through excessive use of force. This inner strength manifests itself directly, and then come out of retirement and engage yourself. A strong creative force is stirring things up. You lot must be able to concur onto this strength and control it. Correct i-sidedness in yourself and the situation. Having a great idea and correcting your own path lets you lot look into the heart of Heaven and Earth.

Voice of the Mothers
Focus on your force through a central creative idea goal and push forwards. Practice not be afraid to break the rules. Inner perseverance now brings a liberating sensation of the whole. Set up off on your quest (56). Do non focus on bringing others together (31).

The retreat is over and the strength born from it takes the field. Great Invigorating Forcefulness (da zhuang) means both slap-up forcefulness and the force of the Slap-up Ones. Information technology is cognate with a word that ways injuring and tin signify: Attack them and injure them. It signifies being adult with the capacity to kill and to offer sacrifice. It is the eighth calendar month when the plants are resplendent and the grain ripens. It combines beast strength, force and treachery in the person of Wang Hai, nomad warrior and shepherd. The figure of Wang Hai combines fertility, sexuality, magic, swell fauna strength and violence. From him comes the line of civilized rulers.  He was the First Herdsman, a metallic-magician and warrior. When he was invitee of the ruler of Yi, he performed the war trip the light fantastic. He took a bird in each hand, ate its head and went into trance. The ruler'due south wife was inflamed with desire. They enjoyed each other and she became significant. When her husband found out, he killed Wang Hai. The Lord of the River mourned him. Wang Hai's son used the River Lord's armies to invade Yi and impale the king, leading back the flocks. This made Wang Hai a hero, sign of the forcefulness that bursts from the dark underworld waters.

Spring (34): Rouse new growth by learning from past mistakes. Accept the difficult work. Make a clean intermission. Invigorate your smashing idea and push on.
Summertime (14): Ripen the fruits. Your motives and aims are proficient. Articulate the channels of communication. Success is assured.
Fall: (50): Harvest the crop by articulating images that alter people's sensation. You have the perfect programme. Requite it an enduring form.
Winter (32): Notice the seed of the ne due west past waiting patiently. Do non try to organize people. The connection is there. Move slowly and advisedly.

Voice of the Fathers
This is a Realizing Figure, part of the Sacred Sickness Pathways that connect personal disorders with cultural modify. It is an Approach to Centers of Ability in the stage of the Symbolic Life when we struggle to found an individual dwelling, family and career.

The State of affairs: A fourth dimension to focus energy through a corking idea or principle.

Caring for Others: Articulate the higher principles that govern your family unit and behave them into action. What yous practise now will create the central pattern for all. Take the initiative. Motivate people to work in terms of underlying values. Make comprehensive plans and act on them.

Setting Intentions: Constitute new platforms of activity that come across emerging needs and trends. Support people in their ability to act on their ain. Make sure everyone knows they belong. Establish overall values and encourage private initiative. Analyze key directions and implement them.

Communication and Interaction: You take the power to accomplish things with a minimum of cooperation, but make your intentions known to those who will be of assist in the future. Bring fresh insights into established practices.

Alter from the Inside Out: Accept the initiative. Favor ideas that create or conceptualize trends and answer visible needs. Mind, read, observe. Follow your intuitions. This is an fantabulous time for new initiatives that emphasize new directions. Seek adequate resources. Cast your cyberspace wide and make decisive arrangements. Energy is abundant. Keep to deadlines and appointments.

  • Firsthand Hereafter: there are no obstacles in sight.
  • Personal Development: invigorate your inner animal powers.
  • Working with Others: pour in energy and provide inspiration.
  • Working with Organizations: widen fields of activity.  Take the initiative.
  • Relationships: channel force into common goals. Emphasize inventiveness.

Pairing: Bringing Change to Life
Each hexagram is part of a Pair that that activates the hidden paths of transformative energy through the interaction of the trigrams or Spirit Helpers, connecting phases of Inspiration and Realization. You are in the Realizing phase of this Pair.

The transformative process of the Pair 33:34 Retiring and Bully Invigorating develops the ability to free yourself from encumbering attachments and the force to advance by stepping outside the norms.

Outer to Inner: the process shifts the Creator trigram from the outer earth of 33 to the inner earth of 34. This turns your active connection with the world into inner perseverance.

Inner to Outer: This interiorisation transforms the Gatekeeper trigram in the inner world of 33 into the Groundbreaker trigram in the outer earth of 34. This turns inner self-restraint into a liberating awareness of the whole.

Transforming Lines

Mothering Modify presents Transforming Lines as Steps of Change that show you where and how to focus your free energy. Click on the links to connect with the Relating Figure generated by each line.

Inner World

Stride ane Beginnings: This render of the spirit attracts a new fate.
Smashing Invigorating Strength in the feet.
Trap! Chastising closes the Manner.
There is a connexion to the spirits that will conduct you through.
Hold back for now. Do not try to tell other people what to do or set out on an expedition. By retiring yous can bring wealth and fertility to everything around you. The energy is there but if you lot act prematurely y'all volition be lost in the completeness. Be resolute and part from the past. You are connected to a creative force. (32 Persevering)

Footstep 2 Inner Eye: This inner re-organization leads to harmony with others.
Drive the animals forrard.
Wise Words! Trial: The Way is open.
Drive on. Whatever you want to practice now will succeed. You motives are straight and your force is adequate to the job.   You lot may feel isolated and unsure merely y'all have a profound connection working at a great altitude that will bring a time of blessing. Do not exist afraid to act alone. You are coupled to a creative force. (55 Abounding)

Step three Threshold: This inner re-balancing lets yous make your style in life.
Small People use Great Strength.
The Realizing Person uses the empty spaces of a net.
Trial: Adversity, the hungry souls and angry ghosts.
The ram butts a hedge and entangles his horns.
Do non use force at present. Use strategy and an open up centre. You lot are confronting troublesome past experiences. If you lot try to force things y'all will only become entangled. Call back about what you truly care for and keep greedy people at a distance. This is a portent of future happiness. If you let yourself be led now you tin can realize the hidden potential. Co-operate with the on-going procedure of modify. (54 Marrying Maiden)

Outer World

Pace 4 Inflow: This inner preparation leads to what is greater.
Great Invigorating Strength. Wise Words! Trial: The Way is open.
The cause for sorrow disappears.
The hedge is broken through, no more entanglement.
Invigorate the axles of the bang-up war chariots.
The obstacle vanishes. At that place is nothing holding you dorsum. Do the great things that are in you to do. Trying to retire you were caught in a web of difficulties. Now you are like a young bird agape to leave the nest. Act on your middle's want. A flourishing fourth dimension approaches. If you let yourself exist led yous can realize the hidden potential. Co-operate with the on-going process of alter. (11 Pervading)

Footstep v Outer Center: This inner re-grouping lets your real purpose shine.
He loses his flocks. We change with ease.
Without a cause for sorrow.
Let become of forwards drive. Modify your considerable strength into imagination. Do non always charge into obstacles. An inner retreat now volition let you meet into things. Do not let get of what you meet for it is your purpose and belongs with you. Be resolute. You are connected to a creative force. (43 Deciding/Breakthrough)

Stride half dozen Culmination: This inner stripping leads to a breakthrough.
The ram butts a hedge.
He cannot pull back and he cannot button through.
There is no advantageous direction.
Wise Words! Have the hardship and you volition open the Way.
Y'all are caught in a web of sometime plans and old promises and cannot cut through them immediately. Take this hardship. Analyze your mistakes. The people are gathered at the gate, poised at the threshold. Sky shields the birth of this group. Exist resolute and function from the past. Y'all are connected to a artistic forcefulness. (14 Peachy Being)


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